
Our aim for you:

Our comprehensive workshops highlight the major social issues of today’s youth. Not only do we discuss these issues, but provide healthier alternatives to successfully pass their high school and college years with boosted self-esteem and a confident personality!

Our Services:

After thorough surveys and recognized social upheavals affecting minds and health of young students, we planned a series of influential and beneficial workshops that help you work on your child’s better mental health and self-assurance!

Our initiative to build stronger self-reliant youngsters capable to make wiser decisions for their future is fulfilled through:

Help us achieve the motive to make our teens realize the repercussions of choosing this dreadful lane!

UOLSS™ Teen Workshops

Teenage is unquestionably no less than a roller coaster ride, where the world is trying to mold young adults for better or for worse, and these delicate minds with tremendous strength are figuring out life as it comes, and trust us, teenage is brutal!

During this process, they might just give in to the vicious social demands, paying a heavy price, self-doubt and lower self –esteem! They may even choose disruptive means on their quest to fit in! 

That’s where we step in.

Upon conducting extensive programs where we spoke one on one to many teens, we discovered menacing havocs arising in today’s teens, namely:

  • Addiction to Social Media
  • Distancing from parent-child talk
  • Adopting the so-called cool culture of vaping, smoking… or worse, drugs!

UOLSS™ College Workshops

Settling in mainstream after passing out college is another consuming stress among college students. Yes, the stakes are high and the opportunities are much less, but hope mustn’t be lost at any cost!

Some of the most demoralizing challenges we wish to address in our workshops include:

  • Limited career prospects
  • Extreme peer pressure
  • Developing emotional and physical relationships

We entertain you with all strategic solutions to help your young students get though their graduation with clarity of mind and your backing all the way.

Join our sessions and learn more.

Helping Parents, Administrators and Community Succeed

Parents and educationists, you need to be the strongest support systems in these vulnerable children’s lives. You being their mentors, their guardians, their confidantes, their best friends and their guides will create an impact larger than anything.

Be a collective part of UOLSS™ workshops and understand your worth and your role in flourishing young minds, lives, dreams and hopes!

Read more about UOLSS™ exclusive packages and regulations to avail our services.

  • UOLSS™ Licensee Network
  • Process
  • Accreditation

The Vaping Trend - What Every Parent Should Know

Alert: Did you know, vaping now costs a lot more than you expected? Every minor caught vaping is subjected to heavy penalty by the judicial laws and that Vapor Cloud Isn’t Harmless

Learn More

five smiling teenagers

Teen Work Shops

We help parents, teens, schools, and support systems create guard rails to correct teens thoughts, behaviors and activities so that “Dying to Fit In” and other social issues teens and parents struggle with will be less intrusive, destructive or habit-forming

five smiling college students sitting outside

College Work Shops

Like the sands of time in an hourglass, your four years in college or university to graduation will feel quite fleeting as you enter the professional working world. It is these challenges that are particularly unnerving for many but doesn’t have to be if tackled the proper way.  

Do You Know Your Teen's Favorite Slang? Watch The VIdeo And You May Be Surprised!

Want To Connect More With Your Teen? Check Out Our Workshop!

Updated New Slang Words for 2020 - Stay On Top of Your Game!

Do not live for the expectations of people around you. Live for yourself, for your dreams, for your happiness. You messed up? Who cares? Remember, you're not breathing through their nose.


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