
Teen Academic Problems and How to Handle Them Like a Boss!

Published January 23rd, 2020 by Tateworks LLC

Parents are often disturbed when their teenagers have academic problems. They usually worry about if their children will be successful in life with poor grades in school. However, it is important to know the causes of their academic problems in order to find solutions to them. 

Common causes of teen academic problems

At this stage of a teenager’s life, many reasons could be responsible for his or her academic problems. The following are common causes of teen academic problems:


This health condition is usually diagnosed during early childhood, but mild autism (Asperger Syndrome) can go undiagnosed until high school years. Teens with mild autism often fail to understand what are they taught and find it difficult to answer questions.

Learning disabilities

Learning disabilities such as dyslexia and ADHD are common in teens. Teens with dyslexia find it difficult to process visual information. They often see letters transposed, which makes it difficult for them to read. Teens with ADHD have problems focusing on what they are reading or what is taught in the classroom.

Behavioral issues

Some teens have anger management issues and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), which can affect their success in school. Such teens need to be treated before they become adults.

Other causes include depression, addiction, lack of motivation and social anxiety. 

How to handle these problems

Here are some ways you can help them turn the situation around:

  • Have a discussion with them about what is going on. Ask your teen why he or she is struggling in school. Ask them to tell you what they think can solve their problem. Your teen might surprise you with insightful suggestions.
  • Seek professional care for your teen if the problem is serious, especially when they are suffering from a learning disability or a mental health condition. Seek help from professionals such as school guidance counselor, a therapist, and a primary care physician.
  • Set realistic goals. Don’t set too lofty goals for a teen that is struggling with most courses in school. Help them set academic goals they can easily achieve.

Ultimately, it is important to know that grades are not the only factors that will determine how successful your children will be in life. Give them the right support from early so that their journey to adulthood is less stressful. Trust us, you will thank yourself later.

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Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.- Aristotle


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